Original: Elias Luiz Adaptation Walter Miranda
The memories that follow me and,
are puzzled with the present,
don’t leave me alone.
I do not have a distressing loneliness
of men without past,
who cannot turn their faces back.
Follow with me an old intimacy
with the world and the people of human content,
I don't compromise with the hypocrisy and insensibility.
My road is long
and my life is too suffered.
but it has been being worthwhile due to its fullness and,
among died and wounded, I always survive.
To live isn't necessary to possess, but is important to feel,
and the stones on the road show that pain is a good teacher.
The sunsets at the end of each day show that is necessary to dream
and dreams bring with them the same breeze that the art brings.
To paint isn't necessary privileges,
but some suffering and humility.
And the painting has been helping myself
to disguise the irremediable sorrow of perceiving.
Original: Elias Luiz (1926-1985) - Adaptation: Walter Miranda