Walter Miranda
Plastic Artist

Eletronic Works

Walter Miranda 

The electronics works are virtual pictures done directly in computer, however, with the same appearance of pictures presented in the series Brave New World, Brave New Middle Age and Brave New Millennium, that were painted with oil on wood with insertion of chips, personal computer processors, components and spare pieces of computers, leaves, seeds, several scraps, etc. These works are part of the series Brave New Millennium and they approach situations that represent some of the human characteristics (qualities and defects) and their repercussions in the human condition. In technical terms, the computer boards, scraps, seeds, etc., usually stuck in the real works, are scanned and pasted in the electronic works. The drawn and painted silhouettes in the real works are also drawn and painted in the electronic works using techniques of graphic computation. In other words, all the elements of the real works, are also put in the virtual works, through technical resources provided by the “tool“ named computer. The intention of this series of works is to present them in an exhibition called “Reale et Virtuale”, divided in two parts. In the first part there will be pictures of the real and virtual works enlarged and framed (size 70 x 45 cm), as well as a text inviting the public to identify which are the painted works and the works produced in computer. As the pictures uniformly framed will be side by side, but without identification of the used technique, the public will have to improve their perception due the difficulty to identify, among the exposed pictures, which are the virtual works and which are the real works. In the second part it will be exposed the real works, disclosing the mystery. In that way, the difficulty in recognizing, through the pictures, which are the real works and which are the virtual ones, will provoke in the spectators funny and even philosophical questions. The challenge in distinguishing the real and the virtual can bring inquiries on the several kinds of situations that technology has brought to the contemporary society. Situations like that, have been created the expression “virtual reality.” In other words, depending on the used media, the virtual and the real confuse themselves to each other, creating a new concept, common to everybody, however, with different repercussions for each one of us. In that sense, the Art, making use of new technical resources, can “stimulate” the intellect and the human being senses doing him more conscious about new realities that are introduced day by day.  

Walter Miranda
Ateliê Oficina FWM de Artes
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