Walter Miranda
Plastic Artist

Manifest Direct Elections Now

The Newspaper “Diário do Grande ABC” - March 14, 1984



The XII Contemporary Salon of Art of Santo André brings together 230 works by 105 artists, selected from a set of 645 works registered by 215 artists. The selection and award committee made up by the critics Enock Sacramento (Diário do Grande ABC) and Ivo Zanini (Folha de São Paulo) and the artist Leon Ferrari, according to the rules of the show, acquired the work of 18 artists in the City Hall at the approximately three million cruzeiros of value.


Acquisition awards were received: Aderbal Moura, Allan Kardec Cardoso Teixeira, Carlos Henrique Zambom, Dina Oliveira, Donato Vergel, Hans Sulliman Grudzinski, João Susuki, Maria Beralda Astenfelder Santos, Mario Fiori Moreira Junior, Martins de Porangaba, Neide Margonari Lazzuri, Oswaldo Hernandez, Percival Tirapeli, Rogério Carlos Gastaldo de Oliveira, Valdir Saribi, Vera Berth, Victor Reiff, and Walter Miranda. Each artist had an acquired work, with the exception of Hans Grudzinski, who had three prints incorporated into the municipal collection.



1984 - O Estigma de George Orwell VIII


The jury also gave Walter Miranda a special mention for the project of a panel called a Manifesto, in which visitors to the hall will register their opinions on the current political moment.



Manifesto Diretas J

Walter Miranda
Ateliê Oficina FWM de Artes
All rights reserved.